If you need assistance completing this questionnaire, or would like to discuss or confirm your requests, please email congress@federationhss.ca and/or call 613-238-6112 and a member of our team will contact you. 

Creating a password lets you log back in to modify your form.

Registration Type

Congress registration fees are broken down into two components – the Congress fees and the association conference fees. Both fees are mandatory to attend association conferences. The association conference fee covers access to that specific association conference.  

The association conference fee is not the same as your membership dues to the association. To become a member of your association, please contact them directly. You can find their contact information here.  

If you plan on attending more than one association conference, you only need to pay the Congress fee once.  

Your registration type will dictate how much you will be charged for your Congress fee and your association’s conference fees. See Congress registration fees according to association conference here. 

If you do not plan on attending an association’s conference but would rather attend open events only, you can register as a community member by answering "No, I am attending open events only." to the next question. See more here. 

#311-CSSC/SCÉBD-Black and Indigenous Special Reduced Fee (K-12 educator, retired, or unemployed)