Date and Time  

Friday, June 14, 2024, 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM


Sarah Patterson from Common Earth: The Climate Crisis: A New Story



Join Sarah Patterson, President of Common Earth, as she outlines a more holistic explanation of the climate crisis. Often understood as an energy crisis, the issues we are currently facing are in fact more existential than anything else. And seen from this perspective, climate change can be reimagined as an opportunity for us to shift our narrative and tell a more hopeful story of who we are and how we can once again live in reciprocity with the rest of our amazing planet.


For the first almost 20 years of her career, Sarah worked in the finance industry in various Operational, Learning & Development, and Human Resources roles. In 2016 Sarah returned to her first love of summer camps when she assumed a role managing the operations of 5 summer camps. In 2020 Sarah joined forces with David Patterson to create a space where people can grapple with how we can move toward a post-carbon caring society. She was so moved by her own experience, as well as the impact she witnessed it having on others, that she quit her job to focus entirely on helping to grow the Common Earth community. When not working on Common Earth efforts, you can find her reading or hosting people at her home.